The Money Mindset Podcast

#124 5 Things Your Parents Didn't Teach You About Money!

February 20th, 2023

Do you think your parents just didn't have enough money that's why they couldn't teach you about it? Or do you think they didn't want to teach you the topic because it was too complicated or too scary?

Well, chances are our parents weren't taught much about money, either! In fact, it's possible that they haven't even learned the most basic financial lessons themselves.

So, in today's episode, Ashley will go over some of the money lessons that our parents did not teach us about - but should have, such as making a realistic plan, planning ahead for non-regular expenses, and creating a plan for each paycheck.

Hosting Today:
I'm Ashley Patrick, ex detective turned debt-free CEO of my very own business and stay at home mom of three. Not too long ago, my dreams of staying at home with my kids seemed impossible. I thought I'd have to stay miserable in a high stress demanding job, just so I could retire someday.

After gaining the confidence in my own ability to manage my family's finances and a simple step-by-step plan to make it happen, I was able to pay off $45,000 in just 17 months, which then allowed me to finally quit my job, stay at home with my kids, and build a debt-free business.

Now, my mission is to help moms like you conquer debt and free themselves from the mental load of handling their family's finances.

“A lot of times what I see is people make a plan, but it's based on everything going perfectly. And guess what? You're not perfect. And especially in the beginning, your plan is definitely not gonna be perfect. You are not gonna wake up a different person tomorrow. You are not going to be able to easily change your habits and behaviors overnight. Of course you can over time as you build new habits and new routines, yes you can change and you can make big change relatively fast, but it's not gonna happen overnight. And so a lot of times I see these plans that are not realistic at all based on you and your family and the things that you're already doing. It's based on this perfect idea of what you want things to be. And those are not, those are not gonna be the same, especially if you are just starting out with creating a money plan at all and sticking to a money plan at all. It's just not going to happen.”
- Ashley Patrick

00:00 - The topic for today's episode
01:55 - Not making a realistic plan
03:45 - Not creating a plan for each paycheck
05:28 - Now planning ahead for non-regular expenses
07:34 - Not learning how to deal with overspending and addiction to online shopping
12:11 - Not paying yourself first
17:26 - How to have your own Budget Budget Strategy Session episode

If you would like to sit down with me and discuss what you are struggling with and some steps that you can take to make progress and get over that big struggle, I invite you to sign up for your own Budget Strategy Session episode at and have a mini coaching session with me.

And if you enjoyed the podcast today and got some great takeaways, I’d really appreciate it if you followed the Money Mindset Podcast so you don’t miss out on future episodes

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